๐Ÿ’ง Laundrymatic

You can buy the map on tebex.

Map protected via Asset Escrow.

Load map

For load map, just ensure molo_laundryon server.cfg and restart server.

Make sure you don't make a subfolder.

If you use winscp or filezilla please verify that the file.fxap is sent successfully.

If you had a problem with the mapping, maybe try uploading again, sometimes ftp can break files.


If you encounter conflicts with other mappings, check if you have this in other mappings with a simple search, and remove duplicates in other mappings, then check if you have a problem with the other mapping in question .

  • lr_sc1_occl_03.ymap

  • hi@sc1_13_0.ybn

  • sc1_13_0.ybn

  • hei_sc1_13_0.ybn

  • hei_lr_sc1_occl_03.ymap


x= 161.72801208496, y= -1512.7559814453, z= 29.141939163208

Last updated